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Saturday 5 Dec 2009
Cairns, Australia

Lazy Day in Cairns

Really lazy day today.  We slept in and then hit the gym (it's been weeks since we've done this but have been averaging 3.5 - 6 miles a day so ....).

We'd found a little ad in one of the brochures for The Royal Flying Doctors Museum so we headed out to find out what they were all about.  Well, once we found the location [based on the address in the ad] the place was locked up tighter than a drum.  I called the local number and got an answering service for the actual emergency service (flying Doctors) but they were located in Brisbane and couldn't help with the museum info.  Oh, well, guess the museum didn't draw enough tourists.

We didn't have anything else on the agenda so we hit one of the Cairns Shopping Malls to stay cool.  Xmas shopping is in full swing (I picked up the new Susan Boyle CD and Bab's new CD also).  It didn't take long for Tony to reach his limit of crowds, screaming, misbehaving children and baby strollers so we headed back to the hotel. 

Along the way we found another shopping center that had a cinema so we popped in to see what they had to offer.  We wanted to see Amelia but it only plays once a day and we'd missed it so we settled for Couples Retreat with Vince Vaughn and Justin Bateman.  We were pleasantly surprised and had quite a few full belly laughs throughout the movie.

We finally made it back to the hotel, dropped off my purchases and then we meandered to the Casino.  They don't have video poker anywhere down here (we found this also in New Zealand), but we did find some video slot machines so we each sat down with $20 and played the penny slots (betting $0.50 at a time, playing 10 lines).  After about 45 minutes I came out $1 ahead and Tony ended up winning $90 which more than paid for the dinner we had afterwards. 

It was a beautiful evening for a leisurely stroll back to the hotel......

Added only 3 photos today - posted under Cairns - they should be the 1st 3 if you sort by Cairns

1 Comment for this Travel blog entry

JoAnne Says:

5 December 2009

Darn those baby strollers, hope the feet, ankles and your well beings survived, did it remind you of Disney Land?

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01 Dec 09 | Cairns, Australia

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