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Tuesday 8 Dec 2009
Sydney, Australia


Noon flight from Cairns to Sydney.  Arrived @ 4:30pm.  Found our downtown hotel and are still recovering over the $65/day parking fee (that's double the cost of the car !).  Oh... they give hotel guests a discount - $40/day.  That is still more than we're paying daily for the roller skate of a car !

Anyway.... It's a nice hotel built in 1928, lots of character.  The rooms are modern and they have ice machines !!!!!

Tomorrow (Wed 12/9) does his dive with the sharks.  From there we haven't planned yet.  No pictures today.

1 Comment for this Travel blog entry

pipo Says:

14 June 2011

Wow! I wanna try this one too. I wanna go to Sydney. Are really affordable hotels and accommodations there?

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    The sign says it all
  • Bird Rock

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    Bird Rock
  • Just...

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    Just chillin'

Travel blogs from Sydney

08 Dec 09 | Sydney, Australia

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