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Saturday 7 Jan 2006
HOME, Ireland

Tickets booked!!

Booked the tickets there yesterday. Only 726 euros return from Dublin to Mexico City (via Amsterdam). I've never actually been to Amsterdam before, so that'll be a first too.. but unfortunately no time for touring cafés for.. coffee, yeah.

We leave March 11th and get back April 2nd! w00t!

Myself and my pal, Mad Jonny (labelled as such on account of his fetish for eating small Mexican children) are seriously considering heading off to Cancun for ... wait for it... SPRING BREAK! wooohooo! *shakes arms in air!*... It'll be trashy and sleazy, but that's exactly our sort of thing (4 months in South East Asia will convince ya of that!)

well 8 weeks to go... in the meantime I have to get ready to play a gig in France with my band, Lucky13. Laterzzzz

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We're taking this baby to Mexico!

Travel blog by peterforan



Mexico, Guatemala and Belize await the arrival of me and my compadre. On a mission to conquer hearts and minds of people who are trying to mug us... w00t! Starting in March 2006...

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    Mad Jonny D
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  • Mayan temple



    Mayan temple

Travel blogs from HOME

03 Nov 05 | HOME, Ireland

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