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Tuesday 28 Feb 2023
Cebu, Philippines

Shopping and souvenir day

My flight was due to leave at 2 am later on so it was mostly just a day to relax and get last minute bubble tea and any other souvenirs I could think of!

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Philippines 2023

Travel blog by peterforan

Getting saturated in tropical rain on scooter

Getting saturated in tropical rain on scooter

Philippines has been on my must-do list for a while now, particularly as everyone was gushing about it while I was in Indonesia. This trip was supposed to have been done around 2018, but delays and then Covid hampered things a tad!

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  • Howth sunrise



    Howth sunrise
  • Home sweet...



    Home sweet home
  • Bangka...



    Bangka traditional boat
  • Nice beach in...



    Nice beach in front of resort