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Friday 24 Feb 2023
El Nido, Philippines

El Nido in one day?!?

Started the day by taking a very early morning ferry from Coron to El Nido. It's actually a really nice route because you can sit out on the deck and enjoy the sun even though it is quite hot and it's also very exposed to UV rays so I got a little red all right! The islands and scenery that you pass are pretty outstanding though so it's definitely worth it.

Alas I only had one day in El Nido due to all the messing with my itinerary so I had to make the most of it. The only thing you can really do in El Nido apart from taking trips to the islands is visiting the various beaches which are supposedly the best in the Philippines. My diving friend Luca recommended I get a motorbike and then try to take in as many beaches as I could in the 9 hours I had before it got dark and I had to go to bed early. So I checked into the first hotel I saw got a decent price of $1,500 peso for a tiny room I dropped my bags and then got a motorbike all within around 30 minutes of arriving!

I didn't realize my phone battery had only 10% remaining it due to me using it so much on the ferry over so once I reach the first Beach Nacpan which is stunning by the way I had 1% battery left and then my phone died. Alas this meant that I wasn't going to be able to take many photos because the beach was actually pretty outstanding and I spent hours here wave surfing. A nice way to end a series of very exhausting early mornings!!

One interesting thing I encountered was a huge black snake on the road as I was making my way to the beaches. Not only that, but the damn thing made a jump for me and tried to bite my leg as I passed! I almost panicked and the bike wobbled a bit, but thankfully the panic was over quickly.

That could have been very messy indeed Surprised

I grabbed a meal of fresh calamari squid and a banana shake on the beach and then made my way to another Beach called Duli.  This speech was also scenic but it wasn't quite as nice and it even had rocks in under the waves it's more of a hidden away Beach for Surfers and it also had some very dangerously slippy steep hills which were pretty precarious on the scooter.

I did notice that there was a lot more plastic and rubbish floating in the sea compared to somewhere like Coron or siargao, but I guess that's just inevitable in places with more tourists and there are definitely more tourists in El Nido than anywhere else I've been.

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Philippines 2023

Travel blog by peterforan

Getting saturated in tropical rain on scooter

Getting saturated in tropical rain on scooter

Philippines has been on my must-do list for a while now, particularly as everyone was gushing about it while I was in Indonesia. This trip was supposed to have been done around 2018, but delays and then Covid hampered things a tad!

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