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Sunday 9 Jan 2005
Malaga, Spain

¿ In Sabinillas ?

We arrived yesterday evening after travelling from Dublin on quite possibly the best Ryanair flight I've ever been on...
Not only did my flight only cost 29 euros, the seats were had lovely leather upholstery and were even spacious enough for me to stretch out my legs completely straight (I'm 6'3" tall btw!) with ample room left above ... helping my situation was of course the fact that I had a Fire Exit seat Wink

The secret to getting the best seats on Ryanair is as follows:
- Make sure you are one of the first 67 people checking in on the flight. This gives you a PRIORITY ticket.

- Head down to the departures gate as soon as you get your ticket.. even if the flight doesn't leave for another 2 hours! This ensures that you can position yourself in one of the first places in the queue...

- Usually they let the families with kids on first (even if they DON'T have a priority ticket.. doh!), but fingers crossed that they don't take your fire exit seat.
Finally, once they take your ticket, make a break for it and grab a fire-exit seat. I usually prefer the aisle seats too cuz then you get the extra space if yer a big fella like muggins here.

Right, back to my current situation. Mum and I are crashing in my sister's pad for a few days until the winds pick up down in Tarifa, so I'll probably be heading down to Tarifa on Tuesday (the 11th).

I'm getting a buzz from Dan, the guy in charge of OTB surf school in Tarifa, this avo and he'll be able to tell me what day the winds should pick up.

If there is NO wind the entire 10 days I'm down here, I'm gonna head up to Granada to do some snow-boarding instead Cool

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14 Jan 05 | Malaga, Spain

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