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Sunday 14 Oct 2012
Kainalu Molokai Hawaii, USA

Halawa Valley & Moaula Falls

We had a leisurely morning and headed out for our hike in Halawa Valley around 9am.  Steeped in history and legend, Halawa Valley is the site of the first Hawaiian settlement on Molokai.  The Valley was first settled in the 7th Century by people from the Marquesas and remainded a thriving community until the area was struck by tsunamis in 1946 and 1957. 

In ancient times, this amphitheater valley was extgensively cultivated with taro, the Hawaiian staple, which supplied most of the entire island.  Today, descendants of those first settleres are restoring the ancient lo'i (taro patches) and area once again producing taro for the island.

The family that lead us on our hike, live in a Yurt, have 3 kids and run these hike tours and have a flower farm (  We hiked 2 miles in to the first falls(Moaula Falls) over moss covered rocks which were very slippery, fallen trees and lots of kukui nuts (hard on the tootsies !).  The family dog, Noni, navigated the challenging trail right along with us (she does it daily).

The falls were spectacular !  Tony and Earl ventured into the chilly waters after we had lunch while Joanne & I observed (we thought better of having to trek back in wet suits !).

The hike back part of the group (us included) headed up to another falls higher up and far more treacherous - boulders very slippery because of the moss, and we had to cross a creek.  I slid down one of the rocks and called it quits, waiting for the rest of the group right where I fell.  Other than my bruised ego and a few scratches, I'm none the worse for wear (also took a nose dive on the trial back to the flower farm...).

We came back to the flower farm and had fresh fruit smoothies from fruits just picked.  Home grown bananas, pinapple, guava, lemons and limes.... Boy oh Boy were they good !  And then took a tour of the flower farm which was beautiful (Tony, Joanne & Earl...I stayed behind as my feet were killing me and I had leg cramps in both legs :-(

Headed home, sipped Mai Tais and Joanne whipped up a wonderful dinner of pesto pasta and a huge salad with Hawaiian Sweet bread and white wine.  We topped off dinner with macadamia ice cream with coconut syrup and whipped cream and candied coconut crumbles.

Played 1/2 a game of Chicken Feet and now headed to bed... .we're all exhausted.

Nothing on the agenda for Monday... playing it by ear....





6 Comments for this Travel blog entry

MrT Says:

15 October 2012

Yurt with a "t", not Yurk.

MA BUB Says:

15 October 2012

I would walk a thousand miles for banana pancakes and macadamia ice cream. Sounds like heaven.

tonyandellie Replies:

17 October 2012

Heaven indeed ! We will have macadamia nut ice cream withdrawals as I'm sure we won't find this at home :-(

MAH Says:

16 October 2012

Pictures are great! Looks like a gorgeous place! Say hi to Joanne & Earl for me :-)

tonyandellie Replies:

17 October 2012

It is perfect and will Say Hi to them both for you :-)

JoAnne Says:

16 October 2012

What a beautiful place, Ellie take it easy no more slides (unless it is a mudslide drink) and bruised ego.s. Better have more exotic beverages to help you heal. Oh I can smell the banana pancakes & taste the ice cream. :)

tonyandellie Replies:

17 October 2012

It is a very nice place and we're having a great time :-)

Mahalola Says:

16 October 2012

Ah...........Hahhhhwaii. One foot in front of the other carefully, got to be upright for that Mai Tai at the end of the day

tonyandellie Replies:

17 October 2012

Have started the days our with alcohol but by evening... tired from the day... I'm into Coke Zero or water. Besides... Tony makes a Mai Tai like you do... He kills us !

JoAnne Says:

18 October 2012

Maybe the Mai Tai is just what is needed to totolly relax. I"m living life thru better chemistry. Saw new foot Dr today for second opionon..Esplorations sound wonderful :)

tonyandellie Replies:

18 October 2012

Mai Tai fixes everything ! And chemistry is our friend. Drugs kicked in... feeling better... legs look awful but feel better... not itching like they were :-)

Molokai 2012

Travel blog by tonyandellie

Molokai Oceanfront Cottage

Molokai Oceanfront Cottage

We're off on another adventure - this time to Molokai ! It's been 18 years since we've been back to Hawaii and we've never been to the island of Molokai so we are very excited ! We are joining Joanne & Earl at a house on the beach they found last year

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