Friday 26 May 2023
Dublin, Ireland
A lookback on the trip
My first trip to the Philippines (and yes it's only a first, there will be more) was cut short by delays, and I was also unlucky enough to get caught in some bad weather, but overall, looking back, there was so much remaining to discover.
I plan to go back there and try to give it another shot over a longer period. The friends I made over there are also a reason enough to go back and revisit for a longer term.
Of all the South East Asian countries I've visited, I think Philippines ranks among the best simply because of the genuine people and the fact there are no language difficulty issues. I also didn't get people trying to constantly scam me or rip me off as they might in those other countries.
Some of the moments I had like paddling around Coron's hidden lagoons and islands with stunning-coloured water and scenery, and then discovering all the hidden beautiful spots around Siargao were only a taster and really deserve another go to fully appreciate what the country has to offer.
So expect a follow-up blog to Philippines soon which will be less rushed