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Monday 23 Nov 2009
Guildford, Australia

Search for Cranberry Juice

We tried the local transportation today - took the bus into the city on a mission to find Cranberry Juice.  They do not sell anything that has more than 27% juice.... YIKES !   I settled for that but plan to write Oceanspray when I get back.

We spent most of our day with Ashley @ Intrepid Travel confirming the next 3 weeks of our trip.  We leave Friday November 27th for Darwin, then off to Cairns, Sydney, train to Adelaide, fly to Alice Springs, drive to Ayres Rock and fly back to Perth December 18th so we'll be gone 22 days.

We hitched a ride back with Genie and she took us the long way home and we drove through Guildford, one of the first settlements in Western Australia which lies between Perth and Fremantle.  Homes in some neighborhoods were built at the turn of  the century.  We came home and had a typical Aussie Dinner of sausages, grilled onions & tomatoes, mash [mashed potatoes] and peas.  UMMMMM  GOOD !

Off to Rockingham tomorrow (24NOV), Golfing on Wednesday (25NOV), and to Rottsnest on Thursday (26NOV).  

Check out the pictures under Guildford.


2 Comments for this Travel blog entry

P Says:

23 November 2009

Wasn't Ayres Rock where the dingo ate the baby?

lola Says:

23 November 2009

yep that was the rock, be careful

Tony and Ellie's Adventure

Travel blog by tonyandellie

It doesn't get much better than this !

It doesn't get much better than this !

This is it ! Our BIG Adventure ~ We leave Wed. Nov. 4th and return Sat. Jan. 9th visiting New Zealand and Australia - 65 days !! Join us on our adventure - Check back often. We will do our best to post notes and pics along our way.

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  • Prison where...



    Prison where convicts made the bricksq
  • Tony &...



    Tony  & Genie at the river
  • Caught Tony...



    Caught Tony in mid fly swatting
  • Local pupper...



    Local pupper greeted us