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Saturday 21 Nov 2009
Perth, Australia

Day at the Races

V8 Supercar Races - We headed out @ 5:15am to get to the track nice and early to claim seats in the Members area which had a nice overhang to protect us from the scorching Australian sun (once it burned through the cloud cover !)

Lots of race car fans were up early too.  We watched qualifying races for V8 Supercars, vintage race cars, Mini Coopers - you name it, we saw it !   Were only a few spin-outs throughout the day and thankfully no injuries other than the vehicles themselves.

Charlie is a sponsor for one of the entrants so Tony got to hob-nob with the drivers and mechanics after the race which he loved !

Good day was had by all.  Back at it tomorrow (Sunday).... Departure @ 4:45am.


3 Comments for this Travel blog entry

P Says:

22 November 2009

don't ya mean " a gaday was had by all"?

Ellie Says:

22 November 2009

G'Day is right !

MAH Says:

23 November 2009

Looks like you had fun!!!

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