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Monday 1 May 2017
Dublin, Ireland

Planning the trip

This is my first trip to Malaysia and Indonesia. It is my first trip back to Southeast Asia in about 15 years so there's a lot of planning involved. I'm going to see if I can write the entire blog just using voice recognition on my phone I'm also going to have a data connection wherever I go so I'll always be connected to the Internet and I will always have my map with me using GPS.

All I can say is it's probably going to be a lot easier to navigate Southeast Asia this time around rather than the way it was before with several Lonely Planet books in tow. Some Might Say that makes the whole journey a lot less interesting but I think it actually makes it easier to get a harder to reach areas that you might have ignored originally

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Malaysia and Indonesia

Travel blog by peterforan

Monkey Forest

Monkey Forest

This is my first trip to Malaysia and Indonesia. I'm going to see if I can write the entire blog by using Google voice recognition.

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