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Saturday 25 Feb 2023
Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Bus journey and the first car crash!

Mainly just a transport day today to get from El Nido to Puerto Princesa. I had pre-booked a large bus for around 14 euros the day before while I was on the ferry from coron to El Nido. Everyone normally does this trip in a cramped van but I was determined to find an alternative method of getting to Puerto Princesa that wouldn't involve me experiencing bouts of claustrophobia!!

The bus was huge and relatively empty so I don't understand why more people don't know about it because all the Vans were packed solid with other Travelers and they were looking at my bus with envious eyes.

As per usual on my trip something had to go wrong so halfway through the journey there was a car crash on the road that the smaller Vans had no problems getting around but our large bus was delayed for around an hour until the large truck was moved.

The trip down from El Nido to Puerto Princesa wasn't particularly interesting there was just a lot of green trees but nothing really of note to see.

Arriving at the bus terminal in Puerto Princesa I had to get transport to the airport so I was looking to share a ride with two or three other people so that we could split the cost but the taxi drivers weren't having it. They didn't want us diluting the price so they said no only two people maximum even though there was clearly space for four in one Van. Eventually managed to negotiate one van down to 150 peso per person for two of us which is are just slightly under three Euro!! Bargain! Of course I got the obligatory Peter Pan when I told them my name was Peter seems to be a very common thing here and it's happened everywhere in the Philippines!

I'm waiting now to board my flight to Cebu and then that's coming up to the end of my trip. Overall I lost a week due to cancellations and weather related issues but I made the most of the time I had and really enjoyed the latter part of my trip.

This will also be my first time in Cebu proper as I've only actually been to the airport so far.


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Philippines 2023

Travel blog by peterforan

Getting saturated in tropical rain on scooter

Getting saturated in tropical rain on scooter

Philippines has been on my must-do list for a while now, particularly as everyone was gushing about it while I was in Indonesia. This trip was supposed to have been done around 2018, but delays and then Covid hampered things a tad!

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