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Friday 30 May 2003
Singapore, Singapore

Wow check THIS out!

Im one hour from boarding my flight to Oz, but Im getting free net access and this HAS to be reported!!

The reason Im getting net access for free is because Im connecting on my own laptop via an Infra-red port.. thats right! Hewlett Packard have all these promotional Internet connection desks where you can simply prop your laptop up against an infra red port and start using the net.. of course not many people have this facility except for the smarmy gits like me, so most people end up going to the crowded Internet cafe point where they have to pay 1 euro for 15 minutes!

Anyhoo.. now I can see what my baby can do *hugs laptop*.. who knows maybe I can get free net access like this in Oz too!

Arriving into Oz around 8am... will update yall then.. byeeeeee!

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Travel blog by peterforan

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park

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