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Tuesday 9 May 2017
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The first day buying a few essential items

My first day in KL was going to be a pretty relaxed affair as I still had to get over jet lag. I was on a mission to get one of the essential items I would need for the rest of the trip which was a power bank battery. Malaysia is pretty much an electronics paradise so it didn't take me long to find the electronics center, Plaza Low Yat, and I got there are using the superb rail system in the city which is very easy to use. It was funny that the mall I went to had 10 floors as every shop sold practically the same items. These were either mobile phones/cameras or mobile phone/camera accessories: USB cables, power bank batteries and the like. So I was in luck but it also meant I'd have to find the best bargain and go around every floor. Starting at the ground floor entrance prices were similar to what you get in Europe. As you progressed up each floor, the prices gradually got cheaper as the foot traffic lowered. Eventually I found a place on the very top floor that was willing to haggle. On the ground floor they were charging pretty much double what they're charging on the top floor, but I settled on a 21,000 mAh battery for €17 euro. Bargain! Also got an extra battery for my SLR at a decent price.

This power bank battery was primarily for my mobile phone because I was going to be using this to get around the entire trip and it would prove to be very useful in the coming days!

After this I went back to the apartment and took advantage of that infinity pool with a view of the Petronas Towers. The weather wasn't great but it did mean that there was a huge lightning storm which made the visuals very cool. Most of the people in the pool were other visitors that were renting apartments using Airbnb so I reckon that half the apartments in the block we're actually just there for Airbnb customers.

I do have to mention the food. It was pretty outstanding because Malaysia is essentially a mixture of Indians Chinese and Malay. You can see the three distinct peoples that make up Malaysia as you're walking around town and on the train lines not to mention they also have their own distinct areas around town like Chinatown and the Indian Town but the main impact is on the food where they do tend to mix all the cultures into a smorgasbord of feasting opportunities!

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Malaysia and Indonesia

Travel blog by peterforan

Monkey Forest

Monkey Forest

This is my first trip to Malaysia and Indonesia. I'm going to see if I can write the entire blog by using Google voice recognition.

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