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Saturday 7 Nov 2009
Auckland, New Zealand

I stand corrected...

Tony has pointed out that the Ice Bar temperature was actually   MINUS 5 degrees Celsius   ! (23 degrees Fahrenheit)  It felt a lot colder than that to me !

Busy day yesterday - we used a Hop on / Hop off bus pass and we covered a lot of ground.  3.5miles on foot was logged.  Will post pictures of yesterday and today when we get back tonight.

Today we start with sailing NZ's America's Cup yacht for 2hrs followed by 4.5hrs of a Whale and Dolphin Safari.  We're both excited to be on the water all day !  (we miss our Dana Point Sailing Club).  Had to buy sunscreen... found 70SPF - had to pay $30 !  Things are not cheap here to say the least !

More to follow tonight including pictures.   Be sure you click the View More link under Photo Album to see all the pictures...


1 Comment for this Travel blog entry

lola Says:

11 November 2009

I wanna go, i wanna go to 5 degrees

Tony and Ellie's Adventure

Travel blog by tonyandellie

It doesn't get much better than this !

It doesn't get much better than this !

This is it ! Our BIG Adventure ~ We leave Wed. Nov. 4th and return Sat. Jan. 9th visiting New Zealand and Australia - 65 days !! Join us on our adventure - Check back often. We will do our best to post notes and pics along our way.

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