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Monday 9 Nov 2009
Auckland, New Zealand

Not all Photos Posted

Encountered problems uploading all photos so will try to get the rest up in the next day or 2.  It is 3:33am your time so I'm going to bed !

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Tony and Ellie's Adventure

Travel blog by tonyandellie

It doesn't get much better than this !

It doesn't get much better than this !

This is it ! Our BIG Adventure ~ We leave Wed. Nov. 4th and return Sat. Jan. 9th visiting New Zealand and Australia - 65 days !! Join us on our adventure - Check back often. We will do our best to post notes and pics along our way.

visitors: 1,013,589

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Belize City, Belize

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    Pushing Water
  • Pink Boat


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    Pink Boat
  • Tony Grinding


    New Zealand

    Tony Grinding
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    New Zealand

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