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Sunday 25 May 2003
Bangkok, Thailand

Last day in the Land of Smiles

Last day in Bangkok... mostly getting stuff organised and buying last minute stuff...

My room is absolutely TINY (about 2 metres by 4) and Im trying to pack my 2 massive 85 litre bags into the new oversize case I bought for 15 dollars while still maintaining a breathing space... not much fun!

Im off to Singapore in the morning so this is farewell!!! Ill update the site once Im in the new "expensive" place (arrrrgh no more cheap skate living)

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Travel Blogs : Longer way round...

Travel blog by peterforan

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park

Welcome to my travel blog mates! I spent 2 months in South-east asia (during SARS outbreak!), then circumnavigated Australia in a van (10 months), then visited NZ for 3 months before coming back home via the US. Time. Of. My. Life. Period!

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    Large stone Buddha
  • BIGGEST Buddha



    BIGGEST Buddha
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    Pleading for mercy